ACLU of Indiana's LGBTQ Rights Project


The ACLU has a long history of defending the LGBTQ community. Nationally, they brought their first LGBTQ rights case in 1936 and founded the LGBTQ Project in 1986. Today, the ACLU brings more LGBTQ cases and advocacy initiatives than any other national organization. In Indiana, they combat religious refusal laws in the legislature, because religion should never be used as a means of discrimination. They continue to fight for equal protection in housing, jobs and services.

The ACLU of Indiana works tirelessly to update the state human rights law to include gender and sexuality. The ACLU of Indiana has successfully advocated for the right of Indiana Youth Group to print IYG license plates, ensured that Gay Straight Alliances can be in schools, protected the basic human rights of transgender prisoners, and in 2014 they proved in the courts that denying same-sex couples the right to marry was unconstitutional.

Troy Moss